Yeshua in Context >> 1a - Intro to the Gospels , Beginners , Featured , Reading Strategies , Study Tips >> The Yeshua In Context Handbook
The Yeshua In Context Handbook
This is a post that will grow over time. Think of it as an online (and thus, free) book. I had planned to write something like this and publish it. Instead, I am adding bits and pieces at a time to this post (all the chapters will be linked from here with new ones added periodically). Perhaps it will be available as an eBook when I have posted a sufficient number of articles.
Here is the growing Table of Contents (more to come):
- What is in the gospels? (Genre).
- Study Methods and Tips: Beginner to Intermediate.
- Reading as a disciple.
- Parables, Gospel by Gospel.
- List: Teachings of Yeshua.
- List: Teachings Unique to Luke.
- List: Healing Miracles of Yeshua.
- List: Exorcisms by Yeshua.
- List: Nature Miracles of Yeshua.
- Symbolic Actions and Kingdom Enactments.
- Midrash in the Gospels, the Example of Matthew 2:15.
- Yeshua's Exalted Identity (Synoptic Gospels).
Filed under: 1a - Intro to the Gospels , Beginners , Featured , Reading Strategies , Study Tips
I live in London, England, of the family HaCohen who came here from central Europe in 1896 - raised as a gentile I met Jesus Yeshua 42 years ago and now for the last couple of years have been acknowledging and grappling with being a son of Yisra'el (my mother was born of Jewish parents).
I appreciate finding your website and I look forward to learning from you. So many questions and uncertainties - but such an exciting time in which to live and learn.
The lord bless you.
Nice to meet you, Mike. Thanks for the kind words.