Yeshua in Context >> Divinity of Yeshua , Identity of Yeshua , Messiah , Yeshua as >> Low and High Versions of the Yeshua Story
Low and High Versions of the Yeshua Story
At last, in the days of the Second Temple a great Son of Israel arose in Galilee. He was a Hasid whose piety and Spirit-endowment worked healings. He was a teacher who spoke of the kingdom, the
malkhut hashamayim
, the world to come. The Temple authorities and the would-be rabbis in Judea opposed him. His miracles bothered them, since he was not one of them. His fanatical following scared them and was enough to convince the Roman governor to kill him. But the God of Israel raised him and he ascended to be the heavenly Messiah. God revealed that the death of Yeshua was a substitutionary atonement for all who would believe. At the end of the age, God will send him back as the Messianic king.
The story of Israel is not simply on earth, but in heaven. The Ancient One would give dominion to the Divine One who is like a man (the Son of Man). In Galilee a man became known for his miracles and kingdom teaching. His followers thought he was simply a human Messiah, but some things did not fit. He did not heal by prayer, but by his authority. He forgave sins. He said he was Lord of the Sabbath. He said the Son of Man would suffer Israel's tribulation in himself. He rose and ascended and then they knew him to be the Divine Messiah and Redeemer, the Son of Man who received all authority from the Father. God himself, the Son and not the Father, had become a man. God himself took on humanity to raise humanity toward divinity. God himself experienced death to free us from death. The Radiance of God has been among us and will come again.
What difference does it make which version we believe?
Filed under: Divinity of Yeshua , Identity of Yeshua , Messiah , Yeshua as
Does it make a difference whether the Messiah is supposed to be solely an emissary as opposed to a more direct manifestation of Elohim? The second stance seems to show YHWH closer to his people, since He experienced many of the human strugles.
Good observation about God being with his people in the high far more so than in the low view.
This post on my main blog may shed further light on the subject: