Yeshua in Context
Discipleship - Formation
May 11th, 2012 |
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. . . birds came along and devoured it . . . it withered away . . . it yielded no grain . . ."
-Mark 4:4, 6, 7.
Parables are usually connected to a scripture text or several of them. They often explain something puzzling about God and his relation to his people, or something unstated or mysterious in a text.
Yeshua understood a startling truth found in Isaiah 6, one that naturally leads any thoughtful reader to ask questions. Modern readers of the Sower parable (Mk 4; Mt 13; Lk 8) tend not to realize that the parable is commenting on a text.
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Aims of Yeshua
Applying the Gospels
Besorah/Gospel/Good News
Discipleship - Formation
Gospel Genres
Kingdom Future
Kingdom Present
Literary Features
Teaching of Yeshua
May 8th, 2012 |
To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables.
-Mark 4:11
"Kingdom" is not "afterlife" exactly and it is not "people of Israel" or "people of the Church." The modern reader tends to inject meanings into Yeshua's words that are not there. Looking in the words of Messiah for a message on how to qualify for a good afterlife, it is natural for many to see in the word "kingdom" a code word for "going to heaven." This is a problem compounded by the fact that Matthew, the best-known gospel for many Bible readers, uses the phrase "kingdom of heaven" instead of "kingdom of God." But, as many will rightly point out, "heaven" here stands for "God." It is a euphemism, ...
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Aims of Yeshua
Applying the Gospels
Besorah/Gospel/Good News
Discipleship - Formation
Gospel Genres
Kingdom Future
Kingdom Present
Teaching of Yeshua
February 1st, 2012 |
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There are many valid things to look for during a reading of the gospels. In some ways, the highest level of reading is reading as a disciple. In Mark 4:10-11, those who were surrounding Yeshua -- in addition to the Twelve -- asked him questions. They were the inner circle. They were those who sought to be disciples (he had more than Twelve disciples). To them was given the secret of the kingdom of God. Perhaps the secret is, simply put, to follow and believe and implement.
Discipleship reading might look like the following:
Replacement at the level of ideas (truths to replace falsehood and subtle errors).
Example: Yeshua sought to replace his disciples' notion that "Messiah's coming is to bring retribution on Israel's enemies and to glorify us nationally" with a different ...
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1a - Intro to the Gospels
Discipleship - Formation
Reading Strategies
Study Tips
October 26th, 2011 |
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I wrote this in late 2010 and had occasion to come back to it this morning for something else I am writing. It is a good reminder that we don't know what we think we know. As I wrote for an upcoming booklet this morning, when we see Messiah, will we be there "offering up our impoverished expectations while God overwhelms us with something deeper and higher?"
I'm not sure if the Fail Blog will take notice, but the gospel of Mark has a strong theme of disciple-fail. Is this simply a relic of the past or is disciple-fail a live option for modern disciples too?
What are the types and symptoms of disciple-fail in Mark? It is an illuminating topic to delve into.
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Disciples & Named Characters
Discipleship - Formation
September 27th, 2011 |
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You can now order the CD and printed outline of my talk from the "Jewish Gospels" seminar with Boaz Michael last week. Below is a sample point, number 5 to be exact, and then a link to order:
#5 Read habitually in a recurring cycle, which imitates discipleship.
Disciples were with Yeshua often. The call to a disciple was, "Follow me." They heard Yeshua's words again and again in different contexts. The way we can imitate this repeated exposure to his words now is to read daily, habitually, and cyclically. Mark 4:10 shows that nearness to Yeshua was key, "When he was alone, the men that were with him approached with the twelve and asked him about the parable." Peter's saying in John 6:68 further this theme, "My master, to whom will ...
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Discipleship - Formation
Reading Strategies
Study Tips
September 18th, 2011 |
As part of a presentation I gave on September 18 at a "Studying the Jewish Gospels" event here in Atlanta, I developed an outline of "20 Ways to Read the Life of Yeshua." Among my twenty pointers were things like, "Forget that you know the end of the story," followed by examples in which onlookers and disciples can only be understood within the story as confused, as people who don't know for a second that Yeshua is to be the dying savior and rising lord.
And another of my pointers, which forms the basis for this post: "Understand the genre of parables in rabbinic literature." And the golden text for learning about this subject: David Stern, Parables in Midrash (note: this is not the David Stern who is famous in the ...
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Applying the Gospels
Background to Gospels
Community in Yeshua
Discipleship - Formation
Erasing Anti-Judaism
Gospel Genres
Literary Features
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Teaching of Yeshua
August 29th, 2011 |
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When he came to his senses he said, "How many of my father's hired men have more than enough bread, but I am dying here with hunger!"
-Luke 15:17
Yeshua dined with sinners. Those of us who eat bread with him today are infinitely thankful for this. It is not, contra E.P. Sanders, that Yeshua offered the kingdom without repentance or light without trial.
Those who dined with Yeshua did not think this is what he was offering. One said, "Behold, Lord, half of my possessions I give to the poor" (Luke 19:8).
Yeshua is at once inviting and imposing, welcoming and formidable. You may be to him the hundredth sheep, the one rejoiced over that was lost, or a whitewashed tomb. You may hear from him, "your faith has made you ...
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Applying the Gospels
Discipleship - Formation
Forgiveness of Sins
Judaism Today & Yeshua
Preachable Points
Teaching of Yeshua
August 19th, 2011 |
This is a transcript for today's podcast. Musterion is the word for "secret" or "mystery," which is found in Mark 4:11. Find the Yeshua in Context podcast in the iTunes Store and at
"Love has ever in view," says George MacDonald, "the absolute loveliness of that which it beholds." This, I think, is some of what is going on with Yeshua's kingdom mission. "Where loveliness is incomplete, and love cannot love its fill of loving," he goes on, "it spends itself to make more lovely, that it may love more."
The disciples were constantly misunderstanding Yeshua. And even this was part of Yeshua's method. He was willing to defer much of their learning to the moments after the great crisis of his death and the great revelation of his resurrection. Meanwhile ...
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Aims of Yeshua
Applying the Gospels
Discipleship - Formation
Identity of Yeshua
Reading Strategies
July 13th, 2011 |
The Paraclete. The Counselor. The Advocate. The Comforter. "If I do not go away," said Yeshua, "the Counselor will not come to you."
Who is the Paraclete? You think it's as easy as saying, "The Spirit." Not so fast. There is more to it. Raymond Brown, in Appendix V in Volume II of his exceptional commentary (The Gospel According to John (XII-XXI), The Anchor Yale Bible, original edition 1970) discusses the five Paraclete passages in the larger context of the fourth gospel and the themes of Yeshua going away (being lifted up -- on a cross, from the tomb, to the throne).
The Paraclete theme in John has bearing on our view of the Spirit, the Presence of Yeshua (as Brown says it, "the presence of the absent Jesus"), and ...
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Applying the Gospels
Ascension of Yeshua
Community in Yeshua
Discipleship - Formation
Preachable Points
July 1st, 2011 |
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Last week in "Why Yeshua? A Jewish Question #1'' and in the Podcast "Mosaic Revealer," I began to explain nine benefits of knowing Yeshua for those who already know God through Judaism. I'm still mining the very first benefit of the nine, which goes like this:
Yeshua is the Moses-like Prophet-to-Come, the New Moses, whose agency as the Voice of the Father reveals depths of God unknown or ambiguous in previous revelation.
As you can see from the wording, I am using language from the gospels themselves to describe the benefits of knowing Yeshua. But this is not just theory or theology. Each one of these nine benefits concerns practical matters, things that weigh upon us and are of consequence to everyone on a daily basis. They concern the normal and universal ...
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Applying the Gospels
Discipleship - Formation
Identity of Yeshua
Judaism Today & Yeshua
Teaching of Yeshua
June 15th, 2011 |
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At the Messianic Jewish Musings blog today I wrote a post about "The Way to Have a Message." It is an outgrowth of this week's discussion at Messianic Jewish Musings about representing Yeshua-faith to the Jewish community.
I thought it appropriate to repost the blog here on Yeshua in Context because it deals with practical matters of discipleship. Studying the gospels and the life of Yeshua should not be merely about history or theory. As John 7:17 indicates, Yeshua expected that doing his kingdom teaching was the way to know it is true. After the jump you will find the full text of "The Way to Have a Message."
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Applying the Gospels
Community in Yeshua
Discipleship - Formation
Kingdom Present
Preachable Points
Teaching of Yeshua
June 7th, 2011 |
*Note: At the bottom you will find a printable PDF, a Sermon Series Starter page from this blog post.
In the Gospel of John, how do Peter and the Beloved Disciple compare and contrast? There is a definite theme running through the fourth gospel about this. In some verses it becomes rather obvious. For example, at the Last Supper table, you have to notice that Peter is not as close to Yeshua and has to whisper to the Beloved Disciple to get information about what Yeshua is saying.
What is the relationship between these two disciples? What does their relationship say about discipleship and the different personalities of disciples? Do they represent two contrasting, though both legitimate, ways of being a disciple?
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Disciples & Named Characters
Discipleship - Formation
Preachable Points
May 13th, 2011 |
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I sometimes type up some notes or a script for the Yeshua in Context podcast. Last week's podcast on "Penitent Disciples" generated a lot of email. I should have typed up notes. In today's podcast, my topic is still within the same general range of subject matter: practical application of Yeshua's teaching. I will start by referencing the same books I mentioned last podcast (which many emailed to ask more about), one a Jewish book on ethical responsibility and the other a Christian book on the practical implications of Yeshua's kingdom teaching. I also have a blog series on my main blog called "Life of Loving Deeds" which builds on these same themes and draws from Jewish and Christian sources.
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, To Heal a Fractured World: The Ethics of ...
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Applying the Gospels
Discipleship - Formation
Kingdom Present
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Teaching of Yeshua
April 6th, 2011 |
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This is the greatest liability of Yeshua-faith: that God does his work quietly and in hidden corners while the world is looking for noise and spectacle.
Luke 10:21-24 is material not found in Mark. It is found in Matthew, but Matthew has it separated into two separate sayings on two occasions: 11:25-27 and 13:16-17. Messianic fulfillment comes in unexpected ways and Yeshua's identity peeks through the veil.
On that same occasion Yeshua rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, "I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this was your gracious will. All things have been given to me by my Father. No one knows who the Son is except the ...
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Discipleship - Formation
Divinity of Yeshua
Identity of Yeshua
Mysticism in the Gospels
March 31st, 2011 |
Mark tells the story of Yeshua focused on future hope. Luke tells the story of Yeshua focused on present distress.
What I mean is this: in Mark's gospel, we see the theme of the identity of the veiled Son of Man. He is much more than he appears to be. Those who remain close to him see this gradually more and more. The coming Son of Man (Yeshua in his Second Coming) will bring all of that future hope to reality. So Mark is apocalyptic (interested in showing how the Eternal breaks through into the Present).
In Luke's gospel, the reality of a disciple-community spread throughout the empire dealing with the problems of an absent Lord and an unbelieving Roman populace, is more obviously in the background. So Luke emphasizes the present ...
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Applying the Gospels
Discipleship - Formation
Kingdom Future
Kingdom Present
Literary Features
February 28th, 2011 |
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I wrote a post today on "Messianic Jewish Musings" in which I try to apply the idea of the outer circle, which we find as a theme in Mark especially (and Mark 4 is the central place where this theme develops).
Applications of gospel texts abound and there are infinite numbers of articles that could be written on gospel themes applied to life. In this post I am trying to take on one of the major problems in modern religion: crowd thinking and shallow affirmations of problem-free and populist faith. This is a nearly identical parallel to the outer circle phenomenon in Yeshua's time. Click here to read "The Outer Circle Around Yeshua."
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Applying the Gospels
Discipleship - Formation
February 17th, 2011 |
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I wrote on my main blog today about "Discipleship in [Coming] Hard Times." See it here. The following is some evidence for the notion that Yeshua intended more than simply waiting for the World to Come, that the future kingdom is in some sense already here and disciples are to bring its realities into the here and now.
Kingdom at Hand?
What did Yeshua mean about the kingdom of God being at hand (soon to appear) in Mark 1:15? He followed this proclamation up by calling disciples, defeating evil spirits, and making people well. In the world to come there will be no evil, people will be well, and all will be as a family in union with each other and God. Yeshua was bringing future realities into the present. Note that ...
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Aims of Yeshua
Applying the Gospels
Besorah/Gospel/Good News
Discipleship - Formation
Enactments and Symbolic Actions
Kingdom Present
Teaching of Yeshua
February 7th, 2011 |
The following commentary is important for illustrating a key point of discipleship for Yeshua. To understand the basis for these comments on Mark 11:12-14 and 20-25, it is important for me to disclose what I think is the meaning of Yeshua's resistance to the Temple state. I do not, as some commentators and historians, think Yeshua was against the Temple itself, but against the corrupt administration which turned the Temple state into an instrument of oppression of the lower classes and used it as an instrument for power and position for themselves.
After the commentary, I will suggest a few points of application for discipleship in our time.
MARK 11:12-14, 20-25
Yeshua curses a fig tree (vss. 12-14).
In between is Yeshua's Temple protest action (vss. 15-19).
The next morning's lesson from the fig tree ...
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Aims of Yeshua
Applying the Gospels
Discipleship - Formation
Enactments and Symbolic Actions
Forgiveness of Sins
Kingdom Future
Kingdom Present
Temple and Torah
January 24th, 2011 |
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In some recent commentary I prepared on the story of the Syro-Phoenician woman (Mark 7:24-30) I commented on the idea that Yeshua often put obstacles in the path of faith. A friend gave me some feedback. This observation is helpful in understanding a number of Yeshua's interactions with people and it is also helpful in considering our own path of discipleship with Yeshua.
In what follows, I will cite a little of that commentary on Mark 7:24-30 and also give other examples of Yeshua putting faith-obstacles in the path of people trying to figure him out.
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Applying the Gospels
Discipleship - Formation
Teaching of Yeshua
January 21st, 2011 |
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This is a transcript of a podcast I did today. It is a bit of a sermon, but I think it accurately applies Mark 7 to our context. You can see the podcasts on iTunes or click here to go directly.
Yeshua said in Mark 7:15, "there is nothing outside a man which by going into him can defile him; but the things which come out of a man are what defile him."
I have always thought that this passage was one of the most penetrating, well-phrased, to-the-heart-of-the-matter statements of what Yeshua stood for. It's actually only part of what Yeshua had to say on the matter. It's what he said to the crowds, the outsiders, the ones who did not get private instruction as part of the inner circle. Mark 7:15 ...
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Aims of Yeshua
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Teaching of Yeshua
January 18th, 2011 |
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Popularly known as the Lord's Prayer or the Pater or the Avinu. This article at my Messianic Jewish Musings blog includes audio-files of a new melody for liturgical use as well as commentary on the origin and intent of the prayer. See the article here.
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Discipleship - Formation
Teaching of Yeshua
January 10th, 2011 |
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See Part 1 here (and an explanation of these notes, which I will develop into a more fleshed out series or publication later).
SINCE . . . Yeshua called insiders who would remain close to him, form community, live out his teaching and example, and bring outsiders into community . . .
WHAT . . . are some overarching categories in Yeshua's instruction for disciple communities?
.......(1) Shared resources in the new family.
.......(2) Union with God.
.......(3) The new mission.
More after the jump.
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Applying the Gospels
Community in Yeshua
Discipleship - Formation
Teaching of Yeshua
January 7th, 2011 |
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Apocalyptic is a type of literature that sees the world in a particular way: hidden reality . . . a veil over meaning . . . secrets for those who know how to seek them . . . more than meets the eye . . . hiddenness is God's design . . . but breakthroughs happen . . . God has sent heavenly messengers . . . secrets come to those who seek them . . . the insight into the beyond is desperately needed to cope with evil . . . the reign of evil is not the last word . . . in some versions, such as Mark, the Divine has come in person.
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Apocalyptic Literature
Background to Gospels
Discipleship - Formation
January 4th, 2011 |
This series is based on an attempt to apply some major themes in Yeshua's teaching and example in our context. It combines concepts from Yeshua's context with practical and theoretical ideas about what it means to be a person, to be in community, to have faith, to follow Yeshua together with others, and so on. I make no claim to perfection, but I do try to source my principles in Yeshua's context and to be transparent.
STARTING POINT: To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in parables, Mark 4:11.
How should this inform our model of Yeshua-community, of following Yeshua, and of being disciples?
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Applying the Gospels
Community in Yeshua
Discipleship - Formation
Teaching of Yeshua
December 31st, 2010 |
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Mark 2:23-28 is a passage worthy of an entire book and much has been said about it. It is a riddle wrapped in a riddle smothered in enigma.
Questions include everything from the mundane to the mysterious. Did Yeshua's disciples actually break the Sabbath? Did they merely break an interpretation of the Sabbath rules according to some Pharisees? Is this ultimately about the Peah or corners of the field issue in Jewish law? Since the example of David is not a perfect match for what happens with the disciples, why does Yeshua use it? What does it mean, in the context of Second Temple Judaism, that the Sabbath is made for humankind? Is the Son of Man in vs. 28 Yeshua or humanity in general?
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Applying the Gospels
Background to Gospels
Discipleship - Formation
Judaism Today & Yeshua
Law, Torah
Teaching of Yeshua