Yeshua in Context >> 1a - Intro to the Gospels , Gospel Genres , Teaching of Yeshua >> List: Teachings of Yeshua
List: Teachings of Yeshua
Repent for the Kingdom is at Hand - Mt 4:17 (Mk 1:15).
Beatitudes - Mt 5:3-12 (similar to Lk 6:20-26).
Salt and Light - Mt 5:13-16 (similar to Lk 11:33-36, Mk 4:21-22)
Law and Prophets - Mt 5:17-20
Antitheses (You have heard it said) - Mt 5:21-48 (similar to Lk 6:27-36)
Righteousness, alms, and prayer in secret - Mt 6:1-8
The Lord's Prayer - Mt 6:9-15 (Lk 11:2-4, shorter form)
Fasting in Secret - Mt 6:16-18
Treasure in Heaven - Mt 6:19-24 (similar to Lk 12:33-34)
Do Not Be Anxious (seek first the kingdom) - Mt 6:25-34 (similar to Lk 12:22-32)
Judging Others - Mt 7:1-6 (similar to Lk 6:37-42, Mk 4:24)
Ask, Seek, Knock - Mt 7:7-11
Golden Rule - Mt 7:12 (Lk 6:31)
The Narrow Gate - Mt 7:13-14 (Lk 13:24)
Good and Bad Fruit - Mt 7:15-20 (similar to Lk 6:43-45)
Not everyone who calls me Lord - Mt 7:21-23 (similar to Lk 6:46)
Two Foundations for a House - Mt 7:24-27 (similar to Lk 6:47-49)
Many Shall Come to Recline with Abraham - Mt 8:11-12, Lk 13:28-29
Son of Man...Nowhere to Lay His Head - Mt 8:20, Lk 9:58
Let the Dead Bury Their Own Dead - Mt 8:22, Lk 9:60
Son of Man Has Authority to Forgive - Mt 9:6, Mk 2:10, Lk 5:24
The Physician and the Sick - Mt 9:12, Mk 2:17, Lk 5:31
I Came to Call Sinners - Mt 9:13, Mk 2:17, Lk 5:32
Bridegroom and Feasting - Mt 9:15, Mk 2:19, Lk 5:34
New Cloth - Mt 9:16, Mk 2:21, Lk 5:36
New Wine - Mt 9:17, Mk 2:22, Lk 5:36
The Plentiful Harvest - Mt 9:37-38, Lk 10:2, Jn 4:35
Instructions for the Twelve - Mt 10:5-42, Mk 6:10-11, Lk 9:3-5
Report to John - Mt 11:4-6, Lk 7:22-23
Teaching about John - Mt 11:7-19, Lk 7:24-28
Woe to Galilean Cities - Mt 11:21-24
No one knows the Son but the Father - Mt 11:27
The Easy Yoke - Mt 11:28-30
Something greater than the Temple - Mt 12:6
Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath - Mt 12:8, Lk 6:5
A Kingdom Divided - Mt 12:25-29, Mk 3:23-27, Lk 11:17-22
Unpardonable Sin - Mt 12:30-32, Mk 3:28-29
Sign of Jonah - Mt 12:39-42, Lk 11:29-32 (see also Mt 16:4)
Unclean Spirit Returns - Mt 12:43-45, Lk 11:24-26
My Brother and Sister and Mother - Mt 12:50, Mk 3:35
The Sower - Mt 13:1-23, Mk 4:1-20, Lk 8:4-15
The Weeds (Tares) - Mt 13:24-30
Mustard Seed - Mt 13:31-32, Mk 4:30-32, Lk 13:19
Leaven - Mt 13:33, Lk 13:21
The Weeds (Tares) Explained - Mt 13:37-43
Hidden Treasure - Mt 13:44
Pearl of Great Price - Mt 13:45-46
Net - Mt 13:47-50
Every Scribe of the Kingdom - Mt 13:52
A Prophet without Honor - Mt 13:57, Lk 4:24
What Goes out from a Man Defiles - Mt 15:16-20, Mk 7:18-23
Only to the Lost Sheep of Israel - Mt 15:24
An Evil Generation Seeks a Sign - Mt 16:2-4, Lk 11:29
Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees - Mt 16:6, 11, Mk 8:15, Lk 12:1
Get Behind Me Satan - Mt 16:23, Mk 8:33
If Anyone Would Come After Me - Mt 16:24-28, Mk 8:34-37, Lk 9:23-24
Elijah Has Come - Mt 17:12, Mk 9:13
Faith as a Mustard Seed - Mt 17:20 (similar to Lk 17:6)
Like Children to Enter Kingdom - Mt 18:3-4
Whoever Causes Stumbling - Mt 18:6, Mk 9:42, Lk 17:2
Pluck Out Your Eye - Mt 18:9, Mk 9:47 (and see Mt 5:29)
Angels of the Little Ones - Mt 18:10
Lost Sheep - Mt 18:12-24, Lk 15:3-7
If Your Brother Sins - Mt 18:15-20
Unmerciful Servant - Mt 18:22-35
Divorce - Mt 19:4-9, Mk 10:3-12 (see also Mt 5:31-32)
Eunuchs for the Kingdom - Mt 19:11-12
Let the Children Come to Me - Mt 19:14
Sell Your Possessions - Mt 19:21, Mk 10:21, Lk 18:22
Camel and the Eye of a Needle - Mt 19:24, Mk 10:25, Lk 18:25
Twelve Thrones in the Age to Come - Mt 19:28-30
Laborers in the Vineyard - Mt 20:1-16
Rulers of the Gentiles - Mt 20:25-28, Mk 10:42
Faith and the Fig Tree - Mt 21:21-22
Two Sons - Mt 21:28-32
Wicked Tenants - Mt 21:33-40, Mk 12:1-9, Lk 20:9-16
The Rejected Cornerstone - Mt 21:42, Mk 12:10-11, Lk 20:17-19
Marriage Banquet - Mt 22:1-14
Render to Caesar - Mt 22:21, Mk 12:17, Lk 20:25
In the Resurrection - Mt 22:29-32, Mk 12:24-27, Lk 20:34-37
Greatest Commandment - Mt 22:37-40, Mk 12:29-31 (see also Lk 10:25-28)
Woes to Pharisees - Mt 23:1-36, Lk 11:39-44
Lament over Jerusalem - Mt 23:37-39 (similar to Lk 19:42-44)
Olivet Discourse (Signs, the end, Son of Man) - Mt 24:1-51, Mk 13:1-37, Lk 21:5-36
Ten Virgins - Mt 25:1-13
The Talents - Mt 25:14-30
Sheep and Goats - Mt 25:31-46
This is My Body/Blood - Mt 26:26-29, Mk 14:29-25, Lk 22:19-20
Great Commission - Mt 28:18-20
Filed under: 1a - Intro to the Gospels , Gospel Genres , Teaching of Yeshua
This. Is. Awesome.
Seriously, I've been wanting to do an overview study of Yeshua's teachings, and this will really come in handy. Thanks, Derek!
thank you!! this is really nice to have in this format. Shalom!
Thank You. I want to learn all I can about "Yeshua." Shalom, Yanna