Yeshua in Context >> Archive
Repost: Disciple-Fail
I wrote this in late 2010 and had occasion to come back to it this morning for something else I am writing. It is a good reminder that we don't know what we think we know. As I wrote for an upcoming booklet this morning, when we see Messiah, will we be there "offering up our impoverished expectations while God overwhelms us with something deeper and higher?" I'm not sure if the Fail Blog will take notice, but the gospel of Mark has a strong theme of disciple-fail. Is this simply a relic of the past or is disciple-fail a live option for modern disciples too? What are the types and symptoms of disciple-fail in Mark? It is an illuminating topic to delve into. ... Read entire article >>
Filed under: Disciples & Named Characters , Discipleship - Formation
Back from Sukkot
Blogging will soon commence again here at I have been enjoying a season of High Holidays and Sukkot. But "normal" is returning and I'm back to exploring the life and message of Yeshua with renewed fervor. ... Read entire article >>
Filed under: General
October Fest
October is slow month (or fast month, depending on how you look at it). This month has been High Holidays (I am a Messianic Rabbi) and will be Sukkot. Blogging may come to a grinding halt here at Yeshua in Context in October, but I will be back. Blessings to all who come here and read. The reading cycle begins again October 16. If you would like to be on my Daily D'var email list (daily portions of Torah and gospels with outline and comments by me) then email me at yeshuaincontext at gmail and ask for it. ... Read entire article >>
Filed under: General