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3 Responses to "Discussion: Passover and Yeshua"

  1. Geralyn Kohler says:

    Thanks Derek for picking up this conversation for February and March. Will try to jump on the blog or at least follow the inquiry of others for more study. Found another source relevant to discussion (and I think more developed than Tim Gray's earlier article in Lay Witness. "The Todah Sacrifice as Patter for the Eucharist" published in Inside the Vatican 16, no. 3 (March 2008) and can be read on


    1. Geralyn Kohler says:

      oops! fat fingers... "The Todah Sacrifice as Pattern for the Eucharist".

  2. yeshuain says:


    As I said in the "Yeshua and Sacrifices" post where you commented, thank you for bringing some perspective from the Catholic fold.

    Blessings and peace.

    Derek Leman

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