Yeshua in Context >> Archive
Yeshua as Prophet of the Kingdom
It helps sometimes for us to forget that we know so many things about Yeshua, to back up and experience him from within the story and not from thousands of years after. I suspect that one reason the idea of Yeshua as prophet is neglected in religious talk is that it seems retrograde to some to consider his "lesser" roles in the divine plan. But it is impossible to exaggerate the importance of the idea that Yeshua was a prophet of the kingdom from within the story, from within the experience the disciples and crowds had of Yeshua. For them Yeshua was a potential prophet, a healer, an exorcist. How does Yeshua come across as a prophet in Mark? What sorts of things do we learn from this? ... Read entire article >>
Filed under: Aims of Yeshua , Enactments and Symbolic Actions , Identity of Yeshua , Kingdom Future , Kingdom Present
What Defiles
This is a transcript of a podcast I did today. It is a bit of a sermon, but I think it accurately applies Mark 7 to our context. You can see the podcasts on iTunes or click here to go directly. Yeshua said in Mark 7:15, "there is nothing outside a man which by going into him can defile him; but the things which come out of a man are what defile him." I have always thought that this passage was one of the most penetrating, well-phrased, to-the-heart-of-the-matter statements of what Yeshua stood for. It's actually only part of what Yeshua had to say on the matter. It's what he said to the crowds, the outsiders, the ones who did not get private instruction as part of the inner circle. Mark 7:15 ... Read entire article >>
Filed under: Aims of Yeshua , Beginners , Community in Yeshua , Discipleship - Formation , Kingdom Present , Podcasts , Teaching of Yeshua
Yeshua's Prayer
Popularly known as the Lord's Prayer or the Pater or the Avinu. This article at my Messianic Jewish Musings blog includes audio-files of a new melody for liturgical use as well as commentary on the origin and intent of the prayer. See the article here. ... Read entire article >>
Filed under: Discipleship - Formation , Teaching of Yeshua
March 28-29, 2011 in Toledo, Ohio
The first "Yeshua Seminar." Click on "Conferences" up top for the latest info. ... Read entire article >>
Filed under: General
Best Podcasts of 2010 from Yeshua in Context
The links below will take you to some of the most popular and helpful "Yeshua in Context" Podcasts of 2010. Many people are latecomers to "Yeshua in Context" and this is a good sampling of the content from the podcast. You could think of it as catch up. Sabbath Grain. Discipleship Secret. Sacrifices and Yeshua. Crucifixion Irony. Born from Above. A Prodigal Story. The Messianic Secret. Yeshua the Healer. Yeshua the Exorcist. ... Read entire article >>
Filed under: Podcasts
Suetonius and Messianic Expectation
Some have claimed that there was no popular expectation of a messianic figure in Yeshua's time. They say only some esoteric groups such as the community of the Dead Sea Scrolls had such beliefs. They especially doubt the idea that popular expectation was of a political-deliverer-messiah whereas Yeshua revealed a different kind of Messiah, a suffering figure who would inaugurate God's kingdom in a different way. Under the "Messiah" category, I am accumulating some evidence in support of the popular messianic expectation theory. See for example this post in which Josephus explains some of the rationale for the First Jewish Revolt which started in 66 CE as being related to a messianic notion. Now, let me share a little Suetonius. ... Read entire article >>
Filed under: Background to Gospels , Messiah
Discussion: Passover and Yeshua
COMING to Messianic Jewish Musings: Discussion about Passover, the Crucifixion, the Last Supper. (1) Was the Last Supper a Passover Seder? (2) Do John and the other three gospels have a discrepancy? (3) If we think there is a discrepancy, which might we accept as historical? (4) Was Yeshua crucified on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday? (5) What was Passover like in the first century? (6) What elements in the synoptic gospels are clearly Passover customs? (7) Are there signs of a Passover Seder in John? (8) What is the origin of the Christian communion / Eucharist / Lord's Supper? (9) What can we tell from the New Testament about some practices in the Pauline congregations? (10) How has the Passover haggadah and the Seder in Judaism developed over time? ... Read entire article >>
Filed under: Last Supper , Passover
Greek and Roman Background: Son of God
Some people use the kind of information I'm sharing here to say things like, "The virginal conception of Jesus by Mary and the Holy Spirit is the kind of story pagans would make up about their rulers." That is not where I am going with this. But it is vital background for understanding Yeshua as the gospels present him. ... Read entire article >>
Filed under: Background to Gospels , Greco-Roman Background , Messiah , Son of God
Apocalyptic and Yeshua (Gospel of Mark)
Apocalyptic is a type of literature that sees the world in a particular way: hidden reality . . . a veil over meaning . . . secrets for those who know how to seek them . . . more than meets the eye . . . hiddenness is God's design . . . but breakthroughs happen . . . God has sent heavenly messengers . . . secrets come to those who seek them . . . the insight into the beyond is desperately needed to cope with evil . . . the reign of evil is not the last word . . . in some versions, such as Mark, the Divine has come in person. ... Read entire article >>
Filed under: Apocalyptic Literature , Background to Gospels , Discipleship - Formation
January Newsletter Page is Posted
And it has news, links, and encouragement for you. Click here or just on the newsletter tab at top. ... Read entire article >>
Filed under: General
Keeping Your Herods Straight
You see the name Herod and you panic, "Is this Herod the Great? Archelaus? Antipas? Agrippa? Agrippa II?" Or maybe you don't. But you should. How do you know which Herod is Herod in the verse you are reading? Here's a simple guide . . . ... Read entire article >>
Filed under: Background to Gospels , Herodians
2011, Yeshua, Books, Moving Forward
Information on learning resources and getting involved in various Yeshua in Context projects in 2011. Many people are unaware of the practical, useful resources available. Includes info on upcoming children's books, eBooks, audiobooks and more. ... Read entire article >>
Filed under: Study Tips