Yeshua in Context >> Beginners , Gospel Genres , Identity of Yeshua >> Identity Stories in the Gospels
Identity Stories in the Gospels
If you click the category "Gospel Genres," you will find a post called "What are the elements of the gospels?" It is a list that will be in the upcoming Yeshua In Context Sourcebook , a cornucopia of helpful lists for studying the gospels that I am building and working on. Don't you wish you could take the kind of info that is here on with you and your Bible as you go out to study in whatever place inspires you? That's what the sourcebook will be.
Now, many stories (you could say all of them) in the gospels are about Yeshua's identity. But some stories in particular are not teachings, they are not symbolic actions, they are things that happen to Yeshua and reveal his identity. What are the top examples?
The Baptism of Yeshua - His Sonship is proclaimed by a heavenly voice. This potentially embarrassing story (Yeshua submitting to John?) becomes a ray of light from heaven.
The Temptation of Yeshua - His Sonship is the entire issue. See "Interpreting the Temptation" under the "Identity of Yeshua" category.
The Transfiguration of Yeshua - Again with the heavenly voice and adding now blinding light and appearance with Moses and Elijah.
The Ascension - Only in Luke (and Acts), though much talked about in John and hinted at in the final scene of Matthew.
Filed under: Beginners , Gospel Genres , Identity of Yeshua