Yeshua in Context >> Aims of Yeshua , Beatitudes , Sermon on the Mount , Teaching of Yeshua >> Beatitudes as Sad Reality
Beatitudes as Sad Reality
In chapter 10 of Yeshua In Context , I detail the five things we should see in each of the Beatitudes from Matthew 5:3-12. One of the five things is "The Reality of the Present Age."
Yeshua's audience, at least those who thought he might be the King, Messiah, expected him to bring the kingdom right away. Some modern scholars have said that Yeshua was a failed idealist. He taught an in-breaking of divine blessing that never came. Perish the thought! Yeshua clearly taught reality and nowhere more clearly than in the Beatitudes. Consider these thoughts . . .
The Beatitudes are about happiness. Why, then, are they also sad? Yeshua said:
-there will be broken, dejected, unimportant people
-there will be death and mourning
-there will be unsatisfied longing
-there will be war and persecution and slander
Poor in spirit = broken, dejected, unimportant.
The presence of mourners means death will not cease with Yeshua's coming.
The fact that people will hunger and thirst means satisfaction is not yet to come.
The need for peacemakers means swords will not yet be beaten into plowshares.
Yeshua prepared his disciples for this. Many thought he would bring the kingdom then. He taught that the kingdom has started but is not fully arrived.
The kingdom now is for his disciples. God will come and rule soon. Meanwhile, Yeshua's followers are doing God's work on earth. How have we been doing so far? The Beatitudes should sadden us and make us want more.
Filed under: Aims of Yeshua , Beatitudes , Sermon on the Mount , Teaching of Yeshua