Comments on: Applying Messiah’s Kingdom Parables, Part 1 The Life and Times of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah Tue, 04 Mar 2014 16:51:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: yeshuain yeshuain Tue, 08 May 2012 14:11:12 +0000 Don, I don't think there is a subscribe feature exactly. Some people, though, do tell me they can get blogs to come to their email account. I have never tried that. I do, however, post links to my blog posts on my author page on Facebook and on my Twitter account.!/derek4messiah I use Google Reader. Look it up and see if it will work for you. The "Yeshua In Context" blog has an RSS feed and you can set up Google Reader to follow the RSS feeds of your favorite blogs. Don,

I don’t think there is a subscribe feature exactly. Some people, though, do tell me they can get blogs to come to their email account. I have never tried that.

I do, however, post links to my blog posts on my author page on Facebook and on my Twitter account.!/derek4messiah

I use Google Reader. Look it up and see if it will work for you. The “Yeshua In Context” blog has an RSS feed and you can set up Google Reader to follow the RSS feeds of your favorite blogs.

By: Don Johnson Don Johnson Tue, 08 May 2012 13:45:56 +0000 How can I subscribe to this? How can I subscribe to this?
