Comments on: Papias: Mark, Matthew, John #1 The Life and Times of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah Tue, 04 Mar 2014 16:51:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: yeshuain yeshuain Wed, 25 May 2011 18:55:17 +0000 Jeff: Awesome to hear from you. I think you have a blessing arriving any day, right? Yes, it has been suggested that the Hebrew Matthew Papias referred to is actually Q and perhaps compiled by the apostle Matthew. The evidence is slim, but it is a possibility. I happen to doubt the existence of Q (as a growing fan of Mark Goodacre's books). Anyway, good catch and glad to see how on the ball you are in your gospel studies. Would that more pastors read and thought about these kinds of topics! Derek Leman Jeff:

Awesome to hear from you. I think you have a blessing arriving any day, right?

Yes, it has been suggested that the Hebrew Matthew Papias referred to is actually Q and perhaps compiled by the apostle Matthew. The evidence is slim, but it is a possibility.

I happen to doubt the existence of Q (as a growing fan of Mark Goodacre’s books).

Anyway, good catch and glad to see how on the ball you are in your gospel studies. Would that more pastors read and thought about these kinds of topics!

Derek Leman

By: Jeff Marx Jeff Marx Wed, 25 May 2011 18:48:15 +0000 Is it possible that the so-called "Q" sayings source is one of the documents being referred to here? Perhaps there are precursors to our current Gospels which have since been lost. You have to figure that the persecutions and the fall of Jerusalem resulted in loss of some documents. I know that the names attached to each Gospel is later (though I do not know how late) and do not appear in the works themselves. Is it possible that the so-called “Q” sayings source is one of the documents being referred to here? Perhaps there are precursors to our current Gospels which have since been lost. You have to figure that the persecutions and the fall of Jerusalem resulted in loss of some documents.
I know that the names attached to each Gospel is later (though I do not know how late) and do not appear in the works themselves.
