Comments on: Jewish Jesus The Life and Times of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah Tue, 04 Mar 2014 16:51:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: T. T. Thu, 13 Oct 2011 23:50:37 +0000 I went to church on Sundays for many years, I kept asking why aren't we keeping Shabbat? why aren't we doing the feasts? If we soooo claim to Love Yeshua/Jesus with all our hearts and mind and soul, how come? If we really want to love our Beloved we can't take Him out of our pockets when we feel like it. Why aren't we walking in his footsteps, or the footsteps of HIS Jewish talmidim. I really wasn't being a smarty-pants: I really just wanted to know, how come? I went to many churches, looking and looking for a sign of Yeshua, and I couldn't find Him... I went home more hungry & empty then before...So I decided to follow in the footsteps of my Messianic- Jewish ,Gramma... and I have never looked back. Our family has been blessed tremendously, for doing it the Jewish Yeshua's way. I guess my point is; I thought, it was just me, my family... but no, there are HUGE supernatural numbers of people feeling the same way, and making Spiritual Aliyah... it's like leaving Egypt. It is so exciting to see & I guess to also, be apart of prophecy being forfilled? I found it mind blowing, God is regathering,redeeming, & restoring His people. =-) I went to church on Sundays for many years, I kept asking why aren’t we keeping Shabbat? why aren’t we doing the feasts? If we soooo claim to Love Yeshua/Jesus with all our hearts and mind and soul, how come? If we really want to love our Beloved we can’t take Him out of our pockets when we feel like it. Why aren’t we walking in his footsteps, or the footsteps of HIS Jewish talmidim. I really wasn’t being a smarty-pants: I really just wanted to know, how come? I went to many churches, looking and looking for a sign of Yeshua, and I couldn’t find Him… I went home more hungry & empty then before…So I decided to follow in the footsteps of my Messianic- Jewish ,Gramma… and I have never looked back. Our family has been blessed tremendously, for doing it the Jewish Yeshua’s way. I guess my point is; I thought, it was just me, my family… but no, there are HUGE supernatural numbers of people feeling the same way, and making Spiritual Aliyah… it’s like leaving Egypt. It is so exciting to see & I guess to also, be apart of prophecy being forfilled? I found it mind blowing, God is regathering,redeeming, & restoring His people. =-)

By: Don Don Wed, 27 Jul 2011 20:18:06 +0000 You are right brother. If anyone dissects Yeshua from the Hebrew context, they are missing a huge piece of the picture. Other pieces are often left out of the Gospels as well. Whenever the Lord rebukes someone, that person is usually rejecting a piece of the puzzle. There is nothing in the Gospels that should be dismissed. It is human nature to accept what you can naturally understand or care to give in to. It is unsettling to read the Gospels, honestly, looking at yourself closely. When I first received the Lord, I would go down the list of principles in the Word and think; I have this and that principal under control. Now thirty years later, all I can say is, God be merciful to me a sinner. I walk away from a Gospel reading with a list of things to deal with. Instead of a honey-do-list, I have a God-do-list. You are right brother. If anyone dissects Yeshua from the Hebrew context, they are missing a huge piece of the picture. Other pieces are often left out of the Gospels as well. Whenever the Lord rebukes someone, that person is usually rejecting a piece of the puzzle. There is nothing in the Gospels that should be dismissed. It is human nature to accept what you can naturally understand or care to give in to. It is unsettling to read the Gospels, honestly, looking at yourself closely. When I first received the Lord, I would go down the list of principles in the Word and think; I have this and that principal under control. Now thirty years later, all I can say is, God be merciful to me a sinner. I walk away from a Gospel reading with a list of things to deal with. Instead of a honey-do-list, I have a God-do-list.

By: Lydia Lydia Thu, 14 Apr 2011 07:23:55 +0000 Oops! I meant Bible stories, of course. Not Bible stores. Oops! I meant Bible stories, of course. Not Bible stores.

By: Lydia Lydia Thu, 14 Apr 2011 07:19:06 +0000 I don't know what kind of Christian church you attended. Many modern churches, sadly, are barely Christian at all. I am an 'older' lady, and was raised in a Protestant church in which the Holy Bible, both Old and New Testaments, were taught always. I guess we are the ones referred to as Bible thumpers. There was never a time when I didn't know that my precious Jesus was a Jew. I do remember being stunned one day in 6th grade to find out my little Roman Catholic friend didn't know the Bible stores that had been a part of my life as long as I could remember. She told me they weren't supposed to read the Bible. I don’t know what kind of Christian church you attended. Many modern churches, sadly, are barely Christian at all. I am an ‘older’ lady, and was raised in a Protestant church in which the Holy Bible, both Old and New Testaments, were taught always. I guess we are the ones referred to as Bible thumpers. There was never a time when I didn’t know that my precious Jesus was a Jew. I do remember being stunned one day in 6th grade to find out my little Roman Catholic friend didn’t know the Bible stores that had been a part of my life as long as I could remember. She told me they weren’t supposed to read the Bible.

By: Alice C. Linsley Alice C. Linsley Sun, 27 Mar 2011 15:29:53 +0000 Delightful reading! Jesus was Jewish and the direct descendant of the ruler-priest lines traced from Genesis 4-5 to Joseph, ben'Mattai and Mariam bat'Joachim. These lines intermarried exclusively. Christ's appearing is foretold in Gen. 3:15, the Edenic Promise. Jesus is prefigured in many of his ancestors' stories: Enoch, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Samuel, etc. In other words, the Son of God is writ large across the Old Testament, especially in the book of Genesis. Delightful reading! Jesus was Jewish and the direct descendant of the ruler-priest lines traced from Genesis 4-5 to Joseph, ben’Mattai and Mariam bat’Joachim. These lines intermarried exclusively. Christ’s appearing is foretold in Gen. 3:15, the Edenic Promise. Jesus is prefigured in many of his ancestors’ stories: Enoch, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Samuel, etc. In other words, the Son of God is writ large across the Old Testament, especially in the book of Genesis.

By: James James Sun, 27 Mar 2011 14:28:29 +0000 For anyone interested in Derek's book (especially if you haven't read it yet), I wrote a book review <a href="" rel="nofollow">on my blog</a> which I hope adequately represents what can be found in this short but compelling work. For anyone interested in Derek’s book (especially if you haven’t read it yet), I wrote a book review on my blog which I hope adequately represents what can be found in this short but compelling work.

By: James James Fri, 25 Mar 2011 16:09:36 +0000 Hopefully, I'm not being too unfair, but I had to write <a href="" rel="nofollow">an entire blog post</a> to respond to some of what's written here, as well as recent events in the news relevant to the church. I find myself wondering if the Jewish Messiah were to wander into a Christian church today and sit down in a Bible study, would he recognize anything that's being taught as originating with him? Hopefully, I’m not being too unfair, but I had to write an entire blog post to respond to some of what’s written here, as well as recent events in the news relevant to the church. I find myself wondering if the Jewish Messiah were to wander into a Christian church today and sit down in a Bible study, would he recognize anything that’s being taught as originating with him?

By: JustMe JustMe Fri, 25 Mar 2011 13:02:58 +0000 Be wary not to generalize too much ;-) One of THE most exciting discoveries for me personally over the last few years is that as the gentile Christian church splinters, the "broken branches" are very much going in the opposite direction of the "wild tree". There is more and more orthodox Christians literally falling in love with the Lord all over again because they are spending more and more time studying and worshipping the Lion of Judah. These more orthodox Christians (like me) are finding themselves on a path leading them back to Zion. I used to think it was "just me", but I'm discovering more and more fellow Christians with a genuine love for Messianic Jewish worship and study. I simply cannot express in mere words how exhilarating it is; what an exciting time we live in! Be wary not to generalize too much ;-)
One of THE most exciting discoveries for me personally over the last few years is that as the gentile Christian church splinters, the “broken branches” are very much going in the opposite direction of the “wild tree”. There is more and more orthodox Christians literally falling in love with the Lord all over again because they are spending more and more time studying and worshipping the Lion of Judah. These more orthodox Christians (like me) are finding themselves on a path leading them back to Zion. I used to think it was “just me”, but I’m discovering more and more fellow Christians with a genuine love for Messianic Jewish worship and study.
I simply cannot express in mere words how exhilarating it is; what an exciting time we live in!

By: Nathan Lambshead Nathan Lambshead Fri, 25 Mar 2011 11:54:15 +0000 Thank you for this. I was brought up in christianity and church, and after 50 years am questioning the same things. I don't know what the truth is, but I know the anti-jewish christianity I have been taught is not it. Thank you for this. I was brought up in christianity and church, and after 50 years am questioning the same things. I don’t know what the truth is, but I know the anti-jewish christianity I have been taught is not it.
